We are working to facilitate inclusive and sustainable rural development in Africa
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We are assisting rural farmers and their families to achieve improved access to health care services
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We are are ensuring that rural children have access to quality and affordable education
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We are advocating for policies that support inclusive and sustainable rural development outcomes
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We are committed to creating better living conditions for the rural people
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Over 58% of sub-saharan Africans live in rural areas with 80% of the rural population living in extreme poverty. Sub-Saharan Africa is home to nearly a third of the world's extremely poor rural people.

Rural Nurture Initiative (RNI) is a dynamic non-governmental organisation dedicated to facilitating inclusive and sustainable rural development in Africa.

We are committed to empowering rural communities, fostering resilience, and catalysing positive change through eclectic, innovative bottom-up, and community-centred approaches.

Our Focus Areas

We are big on the SDGS

Our dedication to addressing interconnected rural problems aligns strongly with the global goals and positions us to champion the SDGs in rural areas.

Our interventions and projects actively contribute towards achieving the United Nations sustainable development goals, spanning across SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 17 (no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, clean water and sanitation, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, and partnerships for the goals).

Where we work?




Our Interventions





We are thrilled to announce that our Founder and Executive Director, Mrs Damilola Olajubutu, has been recognised as one of the Top 50 Women Leaders of Oregon (USA) for 2023 by Women We Admire.This prestigious award honours the outstanding achievements and contributions of women leaders who have positively impacted their communities, industries, and society.Mrs. Damilola is a visionary leader who has dedicated her life to creating sustainable development in rural areas and for the common people. She founded our organisation in 2018 with the mission to empower, educate, and elevate the lives of the underserved and marginalised populations. Under her leadership, our organisation has implemented several innovative and impactful projects that have improved thousands of people’s health, education, livelihood, and the environment.Mrs. Damilola inspires us all and is a role model for the next generation of women leaders. She embodies the values of excellence, hard work, and perseverance that our organisation stands for.As Maya Angelou said, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.” Mrs. Damilola exemplifies this quote by constantly learning, growing, and doing better for herself and others.We are proud of our CEO and her remarkable achievements. We congratulate her on this well-deserved recognition, and we look forward to continuing our work with her to make a difference in the world.Please join us in celebrating her success and showing her some love in the comments below.For a detailed read, check out: Women We Admire Announces Top 50 Women Leaders of Oregon for 2023 (prweb.com) The Top 50 Women Leaders of Oregon for 2023 – Women We Admire (thewomenweadmire.com) https://www.linkedin.com/posts/women-we-admire_the-top-50-women-leaders-of-oregon-for-2023-activity-7084868934721540096-imBV/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios   

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Service, selflessness and empathy defines the hallmark of true volunteering. This is the platform upon which Rural Nurture Initiative stands, and we remain poised until our society becomes a better place. We are excited to be recognized by the Nigerian Volunteers Award, @theofficialnva, as an organization demonstrating selfless service towards humanity and the Nigerian society. This is being achieved through competence and collaborations that make for an impactful volunteering experience.   We appreciate our team, partners, supporters and volunteers for the joint effort towards achieving impactful strides. Thank you @theofficialnva   CONGRATULATIONS to us at Rural Nurture Initiative. #nva2022#volunteering #volunteer#award #rni

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With a deep sense of honour, we presented the EXEMPLARY LEADERSHIP AWARD to our esteemed Founder/Executive Director, Mrs Damilola Olajubutu, at the 2021 RNI Annual Awards. Thank you dear E.D, for communicating the vision with simplicity, sacrifice and selflessness. You are a servant leader, leading us by example. We love your leadership and all that you represent to us. Thank you ma’am for all you do

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We are excited to announce our selection for the SDGs in People Category of Go For It Africa’s Sustainable Impact Award 2020. This Award was proudly presented to Rural Nurture Initiative for actively driving Sustainable Development in Africa.   For every move we make, for every step we take, and for every single day, attending to the plight and sigh of the rural and underserved communities remains our core mandate.Our commitment to inclusive and sustainable rural development consistently makes us not to drift from the purpose and passion that burns within us. We exist to make these communities HOPE, LIVE & THRIVE. Thanks to our Founder, Mrs Damilola Olajubutu for her leadership in achieving this milestone. Congratulations to our team at Rural Nurture Initiative  Cheers to more sustainable projects and an impactful 2021. #award #recognition #SDGs #sustainable #impact #2020

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WINNER: Union Rise Challenge!

It’s indeed amazing to have our Founder, Damilola Iyiola (now Damilola Olajubutu), emerge as winner of the Union Rise Challenge organised by Union Bank of Nigeria. #TheRiseChallenge is an initiative to shine the spotlight on Union Bank’s customers, who are doing all they can to rise above this pandemic. It’s an opportunity to share stories of being innovative, charitable, creative and resourceful during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is another win for us at Rural Nurture Initiative  With more resources, we can spread our impact, achieve more result and touch more lives. Congratulations to us  Read about our nominated project for the Rise Challenge. 

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We are exited to have emerged as the most nominated NGO in Oyo State during the Enabling NGOs for Success Initiative organised by Union Bank of Nigeria. This grant would help us do a lot more in 2020 as we look forward to creating more lasting impact in rural communities. Our profound gratitude goes to God and everyone who nominated us. We will keep making you proud by continuing to serve humanity. Thanks to Union bank of Nigeria for this great opportunity.

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The hidden dangers of unregulated pesticides usage and its adverse effects on farmers, consumers and environment: the case of Nigeria – By Omowumi Fawole

Written by: Omowumi Fawole Photo credit: https://www.panna.org/ Pesticides play a pivotal role in modern agricultural practices by combating pests, increasing crop yields, and ensuring food security. While they have helped farmers increase production and improve food security, their unregulated usage poses significant risks to farmers, consumers, and the environment. The indiscriminate application of these chemical compounds without proper oversight and control has raised concerns about the hidden dangers associated with their usage. Exploring the adverse effects of unregulated pesticide usage on farmers, consumers, and the environment is pertinent to shedding light on the urgent need for comprehensive regulatory measures and sustainable agricultural practices. According to Food and Agricultural Organization (2018), Nigeria is one of The Africa’s top-pesticide users, with an estimated average annual use of 164,706.52 metric tons of pesticides spread around the country. Farmers in Nigeria continue to demand more pesticides as a result of the development of agricultural activities and the occurrence of insecticide resistance among insect pests. Farmers tend to choose the deadliest chemicals because they are less expensive than newer, more benign pesticides because more benign formulations tend to be more expensive because they are covered by foreign patents and local firms are not allowed to formulate them (Ojo, 2016) . However, the low level of information, knowledge, and awareness among Nigerians on the dangers associated with the use of pesticides is highly prevalent. There is ample proof that widespread pesticide misuse in Nigeria is caused by inadequate pesticide education. The indiscriminate use of pesticides without proper guidance or supervision poses a significant threat to the health of farmers, consumers, and environment at large. Farmers, as key stakeholders in the agricultural sector, bear the brunt of unregulated pesticide usage. Their occupational exposure to these toxic chemicals poses immediate and long-term risks to their health. Direct contact with pesticides can lead to acute poisoning, resulting in symptoms ranging from nausea and dizziness to more severe neurological and respiratory complications (Rani, et al., 2021). Furthermore, prolonged exposure can cause chronic health effects, including cancer, reproductive disorders, and endocrine disruption. The physical well-being of farmers is not the only concern; the economic burden associated with pesticide-related health issues adds another layer of complexity. Increased healthcare costs, reduced productivity, and potential loss of livelihood further exacerbate the impact on farmers and their communities. Consumers too, face potential risks from unregulated pesticide usage. Pesticide residues can persist on crops and enter the food chain, reaching consumers through contaminated fruits, vegetables, grains, and other agricultural products. Consumption of such pesticide-laden food has been linked to acute poisoning incidents, particularly among vulnerable populations. Moreover, chronic exposure to low levels of pesticide residues has been associated with various health problems, including developmental disorders, hormonal imbalances, and the development of pesticide resistance in certain pathogens. These risks underscore the importance of safeguarding the food supply chain and protecting consumer health through stringent pesticide regulations and monitoring. Environmental degradation is another critical aspect intertwined with unregulated pesticide usage. The widespread application of pesticides can result in contamination of soil, water bodies, and air, with far-reaching consequences for ecosystems and biodiversity. Pesticide runoff can infiltrate groundwater, pollute rivers and lakes, and disrupt delicate aquatic ecosystems. The long-term accumulation of pesticides in soil leads to soil degradation, diminishing its fertility and impairing the natural balance of microbial communities. Furthermore, the indiscriminate use of pesticides negatively affects beneficial insects and pollinators, leading to declines in populations critical for ecosystem functioning and agricultural productivity. In conclusion, the unregulated usage of pesticides poses grave dangers to farmers, consumers, and the environment. Thereby necessitating the urgent need for comprehensive regulatory measures to control pesticide usage through effective pesticide management strategies encompassing farmer education, training on proper handling and application techniques, monitoring systems, enforcement mechanisms and Implementing integrated pest management (IPM) approaches, such as crop rotation, biological control, and cultural practices to reduce pesticide reliance and promote sustainable agriculture. Only through collective efforts can we safeguard the health and well-being of all stakeholders and ensure a sustainable future for agriculture.   Sources: [1] Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2018). Statistics division. http://www.fao.org/faostat. [2] Ojo, J., (2016). Pesticides use and health in Nigeria. Ife Journal of Science, 18(4), 981-991. [3] https://ipen.org/sites/default/files/documents/sedi_nigeria_hhps_report_2021.pdf [4] Rani, L., Thapa, K., Kanojia, N., Sharma, N., Singh, S., Grewal, A. S., & Kaushal, J. (2021). An extensive review on the consequences of chemical pesticides on human health and environment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 283, 124657. [5] Pérez-Lucas, G., Vela, N., El Aatik, A., & Navarro, S. (2019). Environmental risk of groundwater pollution by pesticide leaching through the soil profile. Pesticides-use and misuse and their impact in the environment, 1-28.

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Addressing Water Challenges in Rural Communities in Nigeria – By Adesokan Ifeoluwa

Written by: Adesokan Ifeoluwa Photo credit: https://planet.outlookindia.com/   Introduction Nigeria, with its population of over 200 million people, faces various challenges related to water availability and quality. The country is plagued by poor water infrastructure and maintenance, insufficient resources to provide clean water to its citizens, particularly those living in rural areas. The water challenge in rural communities in Nigeria is a significant issue that needs to be addressed urgently. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 60 million people in Nigeria lack access to safe drinking water, with most of them residing in rural areas. In rural areas, 39% of households lack access to at least basic water supply, while only half have access to improved sanitation and almost a third (29%) practice open defecation – a fraction that has marginally changed since 1990 (WHO 2021). This is a significant concern as access to clean water is essential for human survival and development. Inadequate access to clean water can lead to various waterborne diseases, such as cholera, typhoid, and diarrhea. These diseases can be life-threatening, especially for vulnerable groups such as children, pregnant women, and the elderly. The water challenge in rural communities in Nigeria can be attributed to various factors, including inadequate infrastructure and maintenance, climate change, and poor governance. Many rural communities lack proper water supply systems, which means that residents have to rely on contaminated water sources such as rivers, ponds, and open wells. Inadequate sanitation facilities also contribute to the contamination of water sources, as human and animal waste can easily seep into the water.  Climate change has also contributed to the water challenge in Nigeria. The country is experiencing longer periods of drought, which means that water sources are becoming scarcer. This has led to conflicts between communities over access to water sources, as well as increased reliance on contaminated water sources. In addition, poor governance and corruption have also played a significant role in exacerbating the water challenge in rural areas . Funds meant for the development of water infrastructure and provision of clean water have been misappropriated, leading to inadequate water supply systems and a lack of access to clean water for rural communities. The water challenge in rural communities in Nigeria has significant and wide-ranging effects on various aspects of community life, including health, sanitation, hygiene, economy, environment, social dynamics, and migration. Addressing the water challenge and ensuring access to safe and clean water is essential for improving the well-being and livelihoods of rural communities in Nigeria.   Efforts Made So Far Several efforts have been made by Government and Non-Governmental Organizations to address water challenges faced by rural communities. Rural Nurture Initiative in a bid to provide clean water to the rural dwellers of Agele Community in Ibarapa East LGA of Oyo State executed the safe rural water project. The water project met the felt needs of the community as it provided access to a clean source of water. A key learning from the water project at Agele community was the bottom-up approach adopted in the project design and implementation which promoted local participation and ownership of the water project by the community dwellers. Conclusion In conclusion, the water challenge in rural communities in Nigeria is a significant issue that requires urgent attention. The government needs to prioritize the development of water infrastructure in rural areas, as well as implement strict regulations to protect water sources from pollution. Furthermore, there is a need for increased awareness and education among rural communities to promote proper sanitation practices and the importance of access to clean water. Additionally, collaborations between government, non-governmental organizations, private sector, and local communities, community participation in water management initiatives are crucial to developing and implementing effective solutions to water challenges in rural communities in Nigeria. Source:           World Bank, (2021). Nigeria: Ensuring Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for All. Available on: https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2021/05/26/nigeria-ensuring-water-sanitation-and-hygiene-for-all

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We are thrilled to announce that our Founder and Executive Director, Mrs Damilola Olajubutu, has been recognised as one of the Top 50 Women Leaders …

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Service, selflessness and empathy defines the hallmark of true volunteering. This is the platform upon which Rural Nurture Initiative stands, and we remain poised until our …

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With a deep sense of honour, we presented the EXEMPLARY LEADERSHIP AWARD to our esteemed Founder/Executive Director, Mrs Damilola Olajubutu, at the 2021 RNI Annual …

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We are excited to announce our selection for the SDGs in People Category of Go For It Africa’s Sustainable Impact Award 2020. This Award was proudly …

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WINNER: Union Rise Challenge!

It’s indeed amazing to have our Founder, Damilola Iyiola (now Damilola Olajubutu), emerge as winner of the Union Rise Challenge organised by Union Bank of …

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We are exited to have emerged as the most nominated NGO in Oyo State during the Enabling NGOs for Success Initiative organised by Union Bank …

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Photo Speaks

Annual Report 2020!!!

Agele Village Water Project

Rural Education Outreach

Union Rise Challenge Winner